Buy Clomid | Clomiphene citrate 50mg x 50 caps | Meditech Steroids
Buy Clomid | Clomiphene citrate 50mg x 50 caps | Meditech Steroids online. Fertility is a big and serious issue. With each day passing by, there are more options becoming available.
Women who don’t produce eggs like they are supposed to and want to get pregnant will highly benefit from this drug. Men if you are experiencing sterility, you also can get yourself some Clomid and prevent that. Before actually using it, it is recommended to run some tests. It is just to check whether you are capable of using it or not. Try to contact local professionals like the physician. When you talk with someone like that, it is important to list all the products you are currently using, and have been using recently.
Enough about medicine let’s see why it is so well known among bodybuilders. For starters, it is used as Post cycle therapy (PCT). Steroids are taken in cycles and once you finish it, your hormones are not balanced and there is a certain degree of dependency. What this means is that by ceasing steroid usage, you will lose most of the gains that you got during the cycle. Your body won’t be able to produce them on its own. This is why Clomid is helpful. It helps you get rid of steroid dependency and balance your hormonal levels. It also prevents estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. The daily dosage is 25-50mg and it is taken for 2-4 weeks.
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