Buy SDB-005 Online

35.00Per gram



Buy SDB-005 Online

Buy SDB-005 Online. SDB-005 is an indazole-based research chemical that has developed a positive reputation in the research chemical world. This is because it is a potent agonist of the CB1 and CB2 receptors.

This is because SDB-005 is known to produce findings of gentle euphoria, color enhancement, and visual hallucinations which are psychedelic in nature.

SDB-001 is very similar to another synthetic cannabinoid, SDB-001. Measurements, even as low as 10 mg produce strong results. You should never experiment with amounts over 50 mg, as you could damage your equipment.

SDB-005 is meant for research purposes only and is not intended for human or animal use.

SDB-005 Legality

SDB-005 is unscheduled in most nations in the world. However, it could be considered an analogue of other synthetic cannabinoids which are illegal in some nations. So, SDB-005 could be illegal in nations like the U.S. which have strong analogue laws.

Experimental Measurements: For worthwhile results, test 10mg to 20mg. To avoid damaging equipment, never exceed 50mg in one experiment.

Always store in a cool, dry place for maximum shelf-life. This product is intended for forensic and research applications only. It is therefore NOT intended for human consumption or in-vivo testing of any kind on animals or any living organism.

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