MDPT Crystals

25.00Per gram



MDPT Crystals

Buy MDPT Crystals online. MDPT cathinone rsearch chemical is short for 3′,4′-Methylenedioxy-N-tert-buy cathinone. This research chemical is very new to the market and it is new to our store.

The MDPT cathinone research chemical falls under the cathinone class of chemicals. Because MDPT is so new, many of the research findings for it are still being discovered. However, it is common for experiments with MDPT to yield results of increased sociability, elevated mood, increased energy, and appetite suppression. MDPT potentially has many forensic uses.

MDPT Legality

MDPT is unscheduled in most nations. This is largely due to the fact that it is a new research chemical. It could be considered an analogue of other cathinones though.


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